Minutes and Agenda Search


Search Tips

Hover mouse over combo box selection and click the left mouse button.
Hover over the choice you want and click the left mouse button.
Do this for all selection boxes, then press the search button.
Note: All selection boxes must have a selection before the search can be performed.

* Please use Google Chrome browser for application to work properly *

Search Tips for Screen Reader
When the focus of the screen reader comes over the combo box, press either “Enter” or “Space Bar” to focus inside.
Use the up or down arrows to navigate in between each different selection.
Once your focus is on the choice you want, press enter.
Note: Using the tab key can be used, but may lose focus.
Note: All selection boxes must have a selection before the search can be performed.

Search Results

When you find the result you are looking for, hover your mouse over it and press the left mouse button. Depending on the web browser you are using, you should see the file loading in your pdf viewer in another tab.

Search Results with a Screen Reader
Note: If the result set returns no matches, you will be told.
If results are returned, they are listed by Date-Name. Once you have focus with your screen reader on the result you would like to see, press enter, then wait for the document to open in your pdf viewer. This load time should not take long, so if nothing happens after about 5 to 10 seconds, move the cursor around and try again.

Minutes and Agenda Search application