Chicken Ordinance

Chicken Ordinance
Summary and Information
In 2016, The Putnam County Board of County Commissioners voted to allow chickens in single family residential zoning districts. However, there are certain restrictions that anyone planning on raising chickens should know about.
Restrictions and Allowances
On any property that is zoned Agriculture or Agriculture Estate, forty (40) chickens will be allowed per acre. But only one (1) rooster will be allowed. These animals must be kept in a fenced enclosure which restricts the animals to 10 feet from the property line. If a shelter is provided, it must be kept 100 feet, or farther, from a residence of different ownership. Click here for definition of poultry
In a residential zoning district (i.e. Residential-1, Residential-2, or Residential Estate), in which a single family residence is on-site, flocks are limited to no less than two (2) and no greater than six (6) chickens per acre. Roosters and any other species of fowl are prohibited. These flocks may only be used for personal use, any commercial raising of chickens or eggs is prohibited. Flocks are prohibited on any parcel that is occupied by any multifamily use or has more than one single family residence, unless otherwise allowed by the Code.
The flocks must be contained to the parcel at all times, and at night, in a coop that does not exceed 150 square feet and is placed in accordance with the applicable building setbacks. The flight feathers on at least one wing must be clipped regularly to prevent flight. Feed for the animals must be secured to prevent access by vermin. For the full text of the Putnam County Land Development section 3.02.25: Livestock, Residential, click here.
Helpful Informational Links
• Factors Affecting Egg Production in Backyard Chicken Flocks
• Intestinal Parasites in Backyard Chicken Flocks
• What Are the Risks of Contracting Diseases Associated With Chickens
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